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Monday, May 24, 2010


Fantasy is the limit, creativity the power, improvisation-life!

Someone told me that Im not very clear in this blog, with what I write, so I will try to be as simple as possible now.
We want to make a self-sustainable community, so we need to pick up some tools for growing in this way.

*Permaculture workshop
There are some people, who are teaching permaculure, interested in coming and helping us to understand the land and use it as functional as possible. Nothing confirmed yet, I also have been to a permaculture course, got some experience in Sadhana Forest community, I have some nice written materials we can work with. If u have a friend who is permaculturist, would like to come and give as a workshop will be great, or any kind of helpful books that u can bring with you, its all great contribution for us and the land. Biodynamic agriculture and gardening its a great way to reach the full power of the giving nature. I have no experience with it, hope to find the book "Secrets of the soil" people say its magical one, if u have it bring it, magic is most welcome :)

Non-violent communication trainer, an amazing friend Jason, is coming from 10th September to give us a week workshop. I think its a beautiful opening for the group, its getting closer to the feelings and needs of the individual and the whole. He also have knowledge in Sociocracy, which teaches a way to lead the community space for making decisions, agreements, leading meetings, based on principles that we can decide as a whole. We will see then, he is a funny guy, lots of silly games on the way. Looking forward for it.
Thanks Jason!

What about time? Now that we have the choice to pick up a calendar that we want, to live in co ordinance with, what do we want? There is a connection already made with a community that is living with the Tzolkin calendar, one of the Mayans calendars. U can check and tell me what do u think about it http://www.maya-portal.net/ I wrote them an e-mail and they send us back a beautiful response, willing to come and give us assistance in the use of the calendar in coordinance with the moon and the land. Its a calendar with soul, inspirit, alive. If u have other suggestion be free to say it here.

Hmmmm... There are many ideas about it. We can make lots of hand crafts, candles, soaps, music instruments, hammocks, performances.... We have friends organizing festivals, so we can put our products out there on the happy market. We can also produce organic food, for the future, organic fruits and veg´s, jams, teas, oils... and sell them on local markets. Other beautiful opportunity is to make a space for retreat and open it for people at some months of the year, offering yoga, meditation, healing circles, permaculture courses... We can make festivals as well, alternative arts, music, film festivals, it sounds great fun. We can also exchange with the locals or who knows what will open as an idea. Lets be creative and not worry about money.

*Shearing the space
Something came up, to invite Vipassana center, to give them a space and let them make a Vipassana courses on the land, Im going to meet the responsible vipassanist at end of June and talk about it. Other idea, making our meditation center and inviting teachers and masters of different meditation stiles for workshops, its even more cunning, so what do u think about it?
There is an idea of making a Rainbow land and inviting the rainbow family to have its own space any the time of the year available, we can be creative inside with all the power of the rainbow miracles, colorfulness.
Children´s land, that's a beautiful idea, open to all the children all the time to spread their fantasy, create their world with our help. We can leave that piece in their hands and trust them fully. Smiles and joy.
Nature Healing space, an Ayurovedic doctor from Kerala, India, is willing to come and see the land and make a space for healing. He is working with indian traditional way of healing, roots, plants, great massager and friend. The time he is not here we can continue in the same spirit to make some magic healing medicines and invite local elders to wispier us the green secrets.

*The Name
Nameovski, coming up with a name, right on the spot there... sounds good?

Bliss and bless


  1. Maja! I'm so happy to see you are on top of things, making this happen!
    You are AWESOME!
    I will do my best to join you asap


  2. Beautiful entry. Beautiful beautiful. And so beautiful that we'll be digging up some ancient bosnian pyramid magic and bringing it to the community. love you so much. getting so much support already from friends for this project.. wow wow wow so much abundance. Enjoy the spectral full moon this thursday. LIBERATION XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  3. Nice, really helpfull, rull of ideas, and positive thinking! thats all we need to materialize our dreams, lets go!!

  4. Dear Maja,

    What you do is amazing! I want to be a part of this beautiful project and share this with everyone! Moon is always on our side (and Universe!) ;))
