Happy donations, your generosity in power/ Насмеани донации, за вашата дарежливост да добие моќ

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Questions and the moon

- What do I need to bring if I decide to come? And what about the moon?

-Well u can bring a tent, sleeping bag, some extra tool that u don't use, take some shells if u live on the shore so we can make nice jeweleries, pebbles too, all kind of things that u fell will be of the use. Seeds that we can grow, like stivia (Im not sure if I got this right) its a plant that we can use instead of sugar, the four season weather its around Europe, so probably the seeds from there will be ok. Bring ur positivity, ideas, creativity, your full power. And the moon is full these days too. The ruins of lunar cities stretch for many kilometers. Huge domes on massive basements, numerous tunnels, and other constructions ....

- What is your plan in the economical matter? And what about the moon?

- I will just correct little and say our plan, but in order to make it our I will tell u how is the situation at the moment. So we don't really have founding yet, as I wrote in the other part of this blog there are ideas how to make our self sustainable and comfortable with the money situation. So for now we don't have so much food, we have a land without food, there are some fruits and nuts, some little veges maybe, otherwise we will need to donate some money all together to eat ssomething, I don't think there will be hungry people. The prana is available always. The local market is all around us and much cheaper then the rest of the country. As soon as we get together we can develop the ideas and earn the money we need to grow in our dreams coming true. If someone have an idea how to make a link of an account for donations, that friends can support us, it can be a start? And the moon... colorful....A transparent dome raised above the crater edge was discovered near the crater Copernicus on the Moon. The dome is unusual, as it is glows white and blue from the inside.

- Is it expensive in Macedonia? And the moon?

- So here are some calculations for comparison
1 Eur = 61,3 mac. denari
1 us $ = 49,7 mac denari

1 GBP = 71,9 mac denari

1 INR = 1,07 mac denari

So basically you can compare with In
dia most correctly, the water is free! About the moon... this circle I couldn't believe its possible, night before the monsoon rains started this year... magnificent

- When will you be back in Macedonia? And how is the moon coming there?

- I will be back at the beginning of July, group of people are coming in end of July beginning of August, the rest of the people for the opening ceremony on 10th September, and after also. Lets say from July on, people will be coming. So the first group of people that will gather we will be working on some houses that are there not in a very livable situation, we will be repairing them and preparing the place for the opening ceremony, probably planting too, whatever we can in that season. And the moon is coming on a giant flying spoon..

- Do you have yet some ideas about how you want to build the house ? (i mean which technique you prefer) and if you have already some funds to begin the build in august or some materials... And where is the mmmm....

- Yes we have many ideas, but for the curent situation its nice to start from the houses that we already have. The houses are mainly build of stone and earth, wood and Clay. The local market can offer straw bale too. I cant recall precisely how are the houses at the moment, but when we are there I believe the ideas will just flow. My father and grandfather are also great mechanics and they can help us, as they were mainly building their own houses. The funds, yes this is a tricky point for the beginning. I have some little savings and as soon as I go to Macedonia I will try to raise some funds in different ways, if we can all think about it and put as much as we can, I think we wont need extreme sums. The idea with the on line donation bank account is nice, we can start as soon as possible, if someone knows how to do that, i have account that we can open for that reason, so anyone? Hmmmmmmm mmmmm...

Monday, May 24, 2010


Fantasy is the limit, creativity the power, improvisation-life!

Someone told me that Im not very clear in this blog, with what I write, so I will try to be as simple as possible now.
We want to make a self-sustainable community, so we need to pick up some tools for growing in this way.

*Permaculture workshop
There are some people, who are teaching permaculure, interested in coming and helping us to understand the land and use it as functional as possible. Nothing confirmed yet, I also have been to a permaculture course, got some experience in Sadhana Forest community, I have some nice written materials we can work with. If u have a friend who is permaculturist, would like to come and give as a workshop will be great, or any kind of helpful books that u can bring with you, its all great contribution for us and the land. Biodynamic agriculture and gardening its a great way to reach the full power of the giving nature. I have no experience with it, hope to find the book "Secrets of the soil" people say its magical one, if u have it bring it, magic is most welcome :)

Non-violent communication trainer, an amazing friend Jason, is coming from 10th September to give us a week workshop. I think its a beautiful opening for the group, its getting closer to the feelings and needs of the individual and the whole. He also have knowledge in Sociocracy, which teaches a way to lead the community space for making decisions, agreements, leading meetings, based on principles that we can decide as a whole. We will see then, he is a funny guy, lots of silly games on the way. Looking forward for it.
Thanks Jason!

What about time? Now that we have the choice to pick up a calendar that we want, to live in co ordinance with, what do we want? There is a connection already made with a community that is living with the Tzolkin calendar, one of the Mayans calendars. U can check and tell me what do u think about it http://www.maya-portal.net/ I wrote them an e-mail and they send us back a beautiful response, willing to come and give us assistance in the use of the calendar in coordinance with the moon and the land. Its a calendar with soul, inspirit, alive. If u have other suggestion be free to say it here.

Hmmmm... There are many ideas about it. We can make lots of hand crafts, candles, soaps, music instruments, hammocks, performances.... We have friends organizing festivals, so we can put our products out there on the happy market. We can also produce organic food, for the future, organic fruits and veg´s, jams, teas, oils... and sell them on local markets. Other beautiful opportunity is to make a space for retreat and open it for people at some months of the year, offering yoga, meditation, healing circles, permaculture courses... We can make festivals as well, alternative arts, music, film festivals, it sounds great fun. We can also exchange with the locals or who knows what will open as an idea. Lets be creative and not worry about money.

*Shearing the space
Something came up, to invite Vipassana center, to give them a space and let them make a Vipassana courses on the land, Im going to meet the responsible vipassanist at end of June and talk about it. Other idea, making our meditation center and inviting teachers and masters of different meditation stiles for workshops, its even more cunning, so what do u think about it?
There is an idea of making a Rainbow land and inviting the rainbow family to have its own space any the time of the year available, we can be creative inside with all the power of the rainbow miracles, colorfulness.
Children´s land, that's a beautiful idea, open to all the children all the time to spread their fantasy, create their world with our help. We can leave that piece in their hands and trust them fully. Smiles and joy.
Nature Healing space, an Ayurovedic doctor from Kerala, India, is willing to come and see the land and make a space for healing. He is working with indian traditional way of healing, roots, plants, great massager and friend. The time he is not here we can continue in the same spirit to make some magic healing medicines and invite local elders to wispier us the green secrets.

*The Name
Nameovski, coming up with a name, right on the spot there... sounds good?

Bliss and bless

Where is Macedonia?

This is the question Im answering all the time on this travelings, as Tristan, a friend who sits next to me now says, behind the tree left, you just go and explore!
So behind the tree u can find this small unspoiled country with her 2 million people, living a moderate life, between the European model for development and the Indian feeling for being free and living in the moment. Everyone should experience with his own seances.
The village, we have the land in, is in the east of the country, called Star (Old) Istevnik, just some older people are breathing with the earth there, from time to time on holidays people from other places around gather, share some music, food, laugh... Rest of the time is shanty shanty.
The nearest town is called Delcevo, 11 500 people in their houses living their lives, from the town to the village its 15km. There is a local bus once a day I think.
The weather, its changing all year long, special in every season, springs colourful, everything garden !
Summer cool, we have a small river we can jump in, its much cooler then other parts of the country, everything power!
Autumn yellow, getting colder toward end of October, all the people are making Aivar (traditional dish), its a delish!
Winter, ups cold yeah white, snow, fire and chestnuts, hibernation inspiration!
For the visa situation, the country is not very touristic, so its easy to come and stay, you should check with the local authorities for your country, but it shouldn't be any problem. If u need some kind of letter just let me know.
When you are coming you can chose many ways how to do it, I suggest by horse, specially the unicorns, or flying carpets, we can park them on the roof and no pollution, if u like more the planes then u better land in Sofia, Bulgaria, its cheaper and there are many buses to Macedonia, in some hours you are there. If u want to hitchhike or come by bus, train, depends from where u are coming, the roads are smooth, easy to slide here.
The standard is much lower compare to the countries in the EU, I think u will be comfortable with the prices. This area is even cheaper, as most of the things are local, there is a local market twice a week in the town. Its not a polluted area, it does need some reforestation and water conservation, that's great because we can do it.
The locals doesn't speak English, the young population is happy to speak English, the people are very warm hearted, love celebrations, festivals, fun and very hospitable. The nearest biggest mountain is Golak, there is a lake too, not so near, maybe an hour drive.
I will go for a juice now, see u there!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

some links from the land

Some pictures that I suddenly found here with me, the oven that baked many many delicious grandma breads, the garden with her little creatures, and the most ruin houses of the 3 we have there :)

Google earth view of the village and u can get the feeling of the space around

Opening ceremony

Aloha happy birthday day,
We are opening up as a lotus flower, brothers and sisters spread your wings and fly higher.....

10th September, with all the support from the power around, the guidance, the energy flow and pure necessity for living together in a healthy and joyful way, we will be part of the ceremony blessing the space, bathing in the bliss...

It will be a pure blessing for the space, uniting the powers of the continents and the parallel universes, inviting the spirits to guide and protect us, feeling the infinite circle of divine presence.... it is through prayers, songs, protection, light, dances that we are going to celebrate this day.

Please leave comments with ideas, questions, answers, and let us explore these endless possibilities together. Love, light, bliss and blessings, shanti shanti hOMe

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hello beautiful family

I will write in my present simple English, you can read it in perfect tense, anyway it’s not about the words, but the idea.
Let’s start from 2 years back when I was telling to most of you about a vision I had to make a school of love – community on an island in Cambodia, hmmmm they didn’t even let me to pass the border, so the story for Cambodia ends there, but the vision continued. After that was easy as my family have a land in Macedonia, yuhhhuuu, and the border is easy to be passed there, even just being in love in Macedonian girl can be the visa, for that story more details if you are interested, or if you know Ana and Niko. Yes, we have a land in East Macedonia near to the Bulgarian border, in a village far from the city called Star Istevnik, full of green, white, yellow and hello…. Come and taste it!

I am shivering of happiness every day as this is happening, what exactly is happening I also don’t know, it depend on us. The land is waiting to be cherished, loved, planted and our imagination can grow in any direction we need and the land needs. We have 8 hectares of land, in the mountains and down a small river, we have a house, a grandmother, a wooden oven, spring water, garden with lots of fruits and nuts, some vegetables as my uncle is growing as much as he can being a teacher as well, and more we have. What we don't have for the moment is water up the mountain, renewable recourse for energy and food growing in abundance, tree houses, rocket stoves, yurts, flying carpets...
We can create whatever we want, space to express your art freely, open to understand and love, share your dreams, your reality, lets grow in beauty and happiness.
For the day of ceremony and celebration by the Mayan calendar there is a powerful date on 10th of September, the blue crystal eagle says:

I Dedicate in order to Create
Universalizing Mind
I seal the Output of Vision
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Accomplishment
I am a galactic activation portal enter me.

"Through your, Gaia, I am also transformed! I am awakening as the return of divine love and light. We are all one. Gaia, as you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed, and together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of Flowers."

So, flowers, show your true unique colors and blossoooooom

The idea for this community is to stay in a circle of people who really do care about this way of living, so please be free to invite those people. Other information about the raising founds, lets keep the space self sustainable by our own way of dealing with money, there are many ways, our creativity is the limit. The big organizations which are supporting projects can be sometimes too curios and demanding, for now we can ask donations from our personal friends who might want to support or join us. The support can be in many ways as money, materials, tents, tools, seeds, books, permaculture experience or any other experience with communities to share, blessings and sending positive waves, ideas and workshops. For those reasons if u need some more official letter we can make one, more serious and descriptive.

I will be in India in amazing community, as you know already, www.sadhanaforest.org, until July, after coming to Macedonia, from there I will upload more pictures, information about the resent state of the land. I cant think about what more to write, there are many things, yes u can translate this invitation or write in your own way and send to friends who doesn't speak English. So there is a need of creating a blog for the pre-gathering Q&A, or any kind of shearing, if someone have an idea where and how in this net world, you can do it and then we will be all super connected.

With lots of love, all the light and joy from my soul, the invitation is written, u are most welcome, take some seeds on the way

Shanti, shanti, shanti hOMe

you can see the village http://wikimapia.org/#lat=41.8733956&lon=22.8552747&z=15&l=0&m=b&v=8