Happy donations, your generosity in power/ Насмеани донации, за вашата дарежливост да добие моќ

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Barn reconstruction

We are getting our hands in the mud and our minds in a creative mode to reconstruct an old barn into two level space. The first level, a big communal kitchen and the second a wide open space for workshops and seminars. All the work will be helped from people with knowledge about building with natural materials, earth, clay, stone and wood; and recycled materials like old glass bottles for mosaics and many other ideas on the way are welcomed. The ambiance of the kitchen is with traditional Macedonian kitchen elements like a nice fire place for cooking, underground fridge e.t.c. the upper part will be with a wooden floor and half open so we get more energy from the surroundings. We need volunteers who would like to help and learn and have fun and also any donations will be very appreciated in finances, sand, wood, tools e.t.c. So we are doing this for all of us to explore and get a space that in full beauty will help us to learn, share and develop.
 May all grow in a conscious flow.