Happy donations, your generosity in power/ Насмеани донации, за вашата дарежливост да добие моќ

Saturday, July 30, 2011

permaculture weekend

Permaculture weekend 06.08 – 07.08.2011

Take part in learning and shearing on permaculture weekend lead by Eliza Janse, a university professor from Netherlands, who have been leading his own company for garden design, including permacultural principles, more than 10 years. 
We will start in the Saturday morning with a bit of introduction, then continue in practice making different garden designs which are going to contribute in the development of our community. In the evening we can watch a prmacultural movie or make a nice fire and sing and dance, celebrate life in the unique atmosphere of the forest stage. We will prepare healthy food mostly organic from our gardens and local trade products. There are different possibilities for sleeping so just take a sleeping bag and enjoy in finding your place under the sky or if u prefer in the house too. For the cost of the workshop and the food we relay on your kind donations. Call us for any information needed.
May all grow in a beautiful flow

Пермакултура викенд 06.08 – 07.08.2011

Впушти се во пермакултура авантура, споделување и учење предводено од Елиса Јанс, професор по градинарство од Холандија и голем истражувач низ спектарот на пермакултурата. Елиса повеќе од 10 години води сопствена компанија за дизајн на ентериер предводен од ведар дух и спокојство.
Ќе започнеме во сабота наутро 10ч. со мал вовед, продолжуваме практично создавајќи различни дизајни за градини кои ќе придонесат за понатаму да го развиваме нашето еко село. Вечерта ќе ја исполниме со летно кино и/или оган и музика, танц и песни од целиот свет. Неделата ќе ја исполниме со практична работа и примери. Ќе подготвиме здрава и повеќето органска храна од нашите градини и локални продукти, а за спиење има различни можности, убаво е ако си земете вреќа за спиење и ќе си го најдете местото под творено небо или во некоја од собите. За цената на работилницата и храната се надеваме на вашата проценка преку донации. За било какви информации јавете ни се.
Нека течението не води низ убавина до дома

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Latest happiness

And here we flow again in the middle of the beauty that pacha mama provides, getting energy from the garden we created, sweet tastes from the forest cherries, berries, refreshment from the rain having his often visits in the region, love from each other and never ending gratitude to the vast open sky.
Shanty shanty we are reconstructing the barn, we level the floor taking all the compost given from the animals in a period of 8 years, so much compose we transfer, muscles were gained and very happy garden was encouraging on the way. Now we are fixing the roof using all the materials that we can from around, the structure is older than 70 years so many rotten pieces we are changing. After we fix the roof we are making the plaster of red earth and other little secrets of the old architecture. We still need to buy some materials and your generosity with some donations will be very helpful. We need around 2000 Euros to complete the two level structures, every euro will contribute in making a place for all of us to learn and evolve. We made the donation button finally in function, so now our generosity can be in power.
Our house also got a bit reconstructed, we filled some mouse holes, some brakes in the roof, and we painted the walls with natural white stone color and the wood with wood color protection and harmonized designs.
There is a nice wave of physical exercises all day long, running in the morning’s trough the forest, falun chi gong, taichi, yoga, kick bocks and dancing. Our healthy bodies raise up the smile and the good mood so a lot of fun around.