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Thursday, July 8, 2010

The truth gathering

Namaste sunny rays,
there is energy flowing into our dream, people are already buying their tickets, getting ready to join the alternative way of living.
The beautiful information came to us, thanks to Emily Milli moonlight :) about a world wide Gathering of Truth http://worldgathering.net/global.html so we think the idea is amazing, the truth should be spoken, the hearts should melt and find the understanding and love between all the beings. So u, who are coming, will be part of knowing more about the truth of Emilly, Ram, Suzie, Francy, Maja and many other creatures we are shearing the world with... Lets open up the spirit of Freeeee


  1. Emilie, thank you love!!! This is an amazing information to pass around and get involved with!
    By September I will be with Maja in Macedonia ;) I hope we will have a big circle of sunny rays with us!

  2. http://worldgathering.net/ there IS DESINFORMATION on this page, only there to make you FEAR. There is not such thing like Chemtrails. I have checked lot of sources it it just fearmaking, it is not real. Lot of the pictures are fake. Brothers and sisters think for your self and question so called informations.

    Love & Peace

    Ralf from Berlin
